About James Pailly

Photo ©2011 Jen Dilliard

James Pailly is a science journalist, science fiction writer, and illustrator.  His current project, The Tomorrow News Network, is a series of short stories about time traveling journalist Talie Tappler.  Visit tomorrownewsnetwork.com to read her adventures for free.

You can friend James on Facebook or follow him on Twitter.  You can also find him on Goodreads and DeviantArt.

5 thoughts on “About James Pailly

  1. Surfed here from our comment on the Writer’s Craft on Clarion Blog. Start Trek and Dr. Who! You’re my kind of guy. I’m a fan of Harry Potter and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, too. 🙂 Studied artificial intelligence and special relativity (noticed these are on your list of categories) – but settled for inventing fictional AI (Reetion arbiters) and faster-than-light-travel (reality skimming). Neat to meet you.


    1. Thanks for visiting! I don’t know where I’d be without Star Trek and Doctor Who. I’m with you on Harry Potter and the Hitchhiker’s Guide, and faster than light travel is way cooler than relativity.


  2. Hi James, I checked out your blog after you joined our Share Your WordPress Blogs group on FaceBook. I started reading the “Who invented Time Travel”story. You have a pretty cool blog. I am now Following your blog.


  3. The Star Trek creator knew all about Technocracy ideas. He was in touch with our headquarters. G. Roddenberry that is and received information articles from us.
    H.G. Wells was an advocate for the original Technocracy ideas. Search his name and Technocracy.
    There is a huge connection between Technocracy concepts and future society projections within the history of science fiction.

    This interesting Russian science fiction writer also was advocating Technocracy concepts http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/apr07/page10.html during the original planet wave of its inception long years ago.
    Bogdanov may have been the original ‘systems theory’ guy that others based their ideas on.


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