IWSG: Why Muses Have Wings

If you don’t already know what a paracosm is, please check out my previous post about it. It’s a cool concept, especially for writers.

For today’s episode of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, I’ve decided to give you a glimpse into my own paracosmic world. I’ll admit, it’s not a happy place right now, but with the help of my muse it’s getting better.

30 thoughts on “IWSG: Why Muses Have Wings

  1. James, I’ve been reading about your writing difficulties and I am troubled by them. I don’t know why you say that you didn’t even get off the ground. I say that because I’ve been privileged to have read several of your stories, and they are really good. I don’t know why you just don’t go ahead and publish what you’ve already written.

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    1. Thank you, Steve. It means a lot to me to hear that. Maybe I’m being too hard on myself with the “didn’t even get off the ground” line, and maybe I’m being too hard on myself in general.

      As for my stories, I have a vision for what I want them to be, and I was getting close to achieving that vision before certain real life problems got in the way. But hopefully things will start getting a little easier for me soon.


  2. I’ve had these kinds of loss of confidence plenty of times myself – I think its useful to step back and have a look at the bigger picture. From a personal perspective there’s things that I’ve written which exist now that are decent – I’ve found that acknowledging that can be a good way to start building my confidence back up.

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  3. James, your post is beautiful and honest and I do believe your muse is correct. We do fall in dark holes but I desperately believe there is always light and I also believe you work hard and the light will find you 🙂

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    1. Thank you! That’s what I believe as well. I didn’t know at first if I was going to share this drawing for IWSG, but I drew it anyway as a reminder to myself to have faith in the creative process.

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  4. Did you draw this? It’s so beautiful! I’m envious of your talent. I wonder if there’s a graphic novel in your future. Is that what you write? I’m sorry to hear you may not be having the greatest time right now. I really hope things turn around. I have a low self-esteem day yesterday. Ups and downs. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I did draw it. I don’t write graphic novels, although I wouldn’t rule it out as a possibility. Maybe someday.

      I think the ups and downs are part of being a writer, something we all have to deal with. That’s ultimately why I decided to share this drawing, because I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s had these kinds of thoughts, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who found writing helped me.


  5. I found a supportive writing group I really like, WEP Write..Edit..Publish. Just stick your toe in the water and start writing something. I started out with 100 word stories, again in a group. I like groups where everyone reads everyone else’s stories and comments and the host does the same. I really like Flash Fiction now. When I started I thought 1000 words was almost impossible. Your drawing is great.

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      1. It is great to feel the support and wonderful when you get some positive feedback. I have written for other groups for the shorter 100-200 word stories and they are very good too. This is where you write a complete story with a very limited word count, which is good practice. Rochelle Wisoff’s Friday Fictioneers and Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers are two sites that are nice communities of writers.

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  6. So muses are angels to guide us on our way? I can believe that. There were a number of times I fell into a plot hole and couldn’t think of a way out until out of nowhere and in my darkest hour of need there’s a tiny light. And voila I’m out of the hole.

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    1. That’s the way I like to think about it. The way I depict my muse here on the blog is, of course, just supposed to be a metaphor for the creative process. But there are times when it really does feel like someone’s trying to guide me through my writing, especially when those sudden and inexplicable bursts of inspiration come.

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  7. This is beautiful! But, if I may, you have gotten off the ground. I get excited when I see a new Planet Pailly post, and I see familiar faces in the ‘likes’. You, Sir, have a following. We’re here because you are ascending.

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  8. Sorry to hear you’re still struggling. Unfortunately, I don’t really have advice to offer (since I’m in terrible shape in this dept myself), only commiseration. I’ll second the others that your blog, along with the stories I’ve seen, have all been very well written.

    Hope your real life problems lighten up. Don’t be too hard on yourself if they’re short circuiting your progress. Even professional writers struggle in times like that.

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    1. Commiseration is good. That’s one of the things I really like about participating in the Insecure Writer’s Support Group: it’s a good reminder that a lot of us are dealing with the same kinds of problems. It’s good to know I’m not the only one.

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  9. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time lately. I wish I could offer something more than to just cheer you on and emphasize with you. My work has been exhausting and difficult lately, too, and also feels like I’m getting nowhere. For what it’s worth, your stuff has inspired me, given me ideas, and nudged me along for quite a while, and I really enjoyed what you do. I hope you find some… oomph soon, and if there’s anything I can offer, lemme know.

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    1. Thanks, Scott! I really appreciate you saying that. I think things are finally starting to turn around for me, but I thought that a few weeks ago too just before a brand new life crisis hit me. So we’ll see.


  10. It sure can feel like you’re in your own personal black hole. I like your hope (muses have wings) at the end of your graphic. All is not lost. We’ve all been discouraged in our writing life. Something that worked for me was to write for fun. Forget about publication. Have fun with a new project, something wild and crazy. Good luck.

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    1. Thanks! Yeah, the overall message of this is (for me at least) uplifting, in the sense that the muse will lift me back up. A little side writing, or maybe a quick, fun writing exercise, does sound like a good idea too!

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